Welcome to our School

Welcome to Woodlands!

My name is Gemma Crosthwaite and I am proud to be the Headteacher of this happy and successful school where our core values of Respect * Responsibility * Resilience underpin all our work  

We have a diverse community and we recognise and respect our differences, celebrating all our strengths and achievements. We pride ourselves on our strong relationships and family atmosphere. 

We encourage children to take responsibility for their learning, setting high expectations emotionally, socially and academically. Our curriculum is engaging and provides opportunities and experiences to help children gain a deeper understanding of the world in which we live and meet with more success.

Through the guidance and support of our skilled staff, children and families are given a range of tools to develop independence and build resilience. It is these skills along with a safe learning environment that enable our families to grow and flourish.

If you have any questions please contact the school and we will be happy to help.

If you would like to apply for a place please click on the admissions button below and complete an application form.

Contact the School

Woodlands Community Primary School

Hollybank Road, Birkenhead


CH41 2SY

Mrs L Stone (Business Manager)

Email: schooloffice@woodlands.wirral.sch.uk


0151 647 8406

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience.

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